The goal is to lose approximately 40% of your excess weight in a period of 1 to 2 years. Thanks to the LAP-BAN, a reduction in the global health risks of obesity has been demonstrated; especially hypertension, cholesterol and triglycerides and diabetes. In addition, you will find yourself much better, and you will progressively increase your chances of playing sports or at least a good daily physical exercise.
• Minimal risks of serious intraoperative complications
• Reversible technique.
• The band can be adjustable by increasing the volume of liquid in the chamber according to the evolution of the patient and weight loss.
• Complications due to malnutrition are scarce
• The hospital stay is usually less than 48 hours
This technique is performed with minimally invasive surgery (Laparoscopic Surgery), the band is placed through 4 or 5 holes of 1cm in the abdomen, forming a small gastric capacity slowing the exit of food from the stomach, causing fast and prolonged gastric fullness. Currently, the Adjustable Gastric Band by Laparoscopy has had a great boom and has become the surgery of preference for patients and many obesity surgeons, with the advantage of being placed by minimally invasive surgery, the recovery of patients It is much faster, as well as the esthetic point of view, avoiding incisions in the abdomen of 25 to 30 cm, which are sometimes complicated by postoperative hernias, which will require a second subsequent operation to repair such hernias.
The band is empty at the time of placing it, then it is gradually filled according to the patient’s evolution with saline solution 0.9% through the subcutaneous device. Therefore, through this device we can vary the diameter of the mouth of the stomach and regulate the intake of food, as well as implementing a special nutritional regime for each patient. The right time to make an adjustment is different for each patient and is based on the following clinical data.
• Stop losing weight
• Being hungry between meals
• Not having enough restriction.
It is important to perform this procedure in X-Ray or Fluoroscopy to verify the condition of the band and some of the following points:
• Band Position
• Integrity of the system and absence of leaks
• Discard slip or indirect data of gastric erosion
• Optimal setting
Surgery alone is not the cure of obesity, for a successful weight loss after the placement of the gastric band, some eating habits should be modified. When the adjustments are made you should be left with enough restriction to continue with the diet just like after surgery.
In principle, we recommend 800-1000 calories during the first month, continuing with about 1200 calories in the future. As with the intragastric balloon, you will feel less appetite, and when you eat, you will feel quickly satiated. It is essential to know when you are about to be satiated, and immediately stop eating. Otherwise, your stomach will undergo a progressive adaptation, with an increase in its receptor capacity, which will partially invalidate the benefit of the gastric band, while favoring the erosion of the stomach wall and possible serious complications.
Also, the important thing is not only what you eat, but HOW you eat. Eating much slower and chewing food perfectly, for which is essential to appreciate good teeth.
After the surgery the patient should continue consulting his doctor. Initially it will be monthly, but later the intervals will increase. Discipline will be important to motivate changes in eating behavior, ratify changes in body composition (weight, fat loss, hydration …), positive state of mind and motivational, misleading nutritional deficiencies (iron, oligoelements ..) etc.
Medical follow-up will be essential during the first two years, after which at least one annual visit will be recommended.