Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
Nelson Rodriguez MD, has more than 10 years of experience in Bariatric Surgery Certified by the Mexican Council of General Surgery AC and the Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity and Diseases
- University of Valle de México, Master’s Degree in Health Management, May 2014.
- IMSS, Diploma in Surgery of Obesity and Minimum Invasion, August 2005.
- IMSS HE CMCNO, University of Guadalajara Specialty in General Surgery, February 2005.
- ITESM, Diploma in Clinical Pharmacology, October 2000.
- University of Guadalajara, Bachelor of Medicine, August 2000.
- Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery 2005-2014, Specialties Hospital and Puerta de Hierro Medical Center.
- Professor of Nutrition Course specialized in the treatment of Obesity 2010-2014, UNIVA
- Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
- Mexican Association of General Surgery AC
- Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery AC
- Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Diseases AC
- President of the Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Diseases AC
- Member of the Certification Committee in Obesity Surgery CMCG-CMCOEM 2011-2015
- International Federation of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Diseases, IFSO
- General Health Council, February 2009, Member of the analysis and regulation committee of bariatric surgery.
Bariatric surgery
Medical specialties
Anesthesiology Bariatric
Nutrition Bariatric
Psychology Bariatric
Bariatric Nurse
Atttention to Pacients